Service Design Research


È nato un portale/sito dedicato ai temi del Service Design.

L’iniziativa «aims to collectively build an understanding and foster a dialogue on where ideas and concepts of Service Design have come from, how these evolved over the last two decades as well as report and review current research and service design practices. The motivation is to consolidate existing knowledge and to support the growth of a research community that engages in meaningful research relevant to the challenges design is dealing with today and in the future.»

Ulteriori informazioni al sito Service Design Research

Feedback. Inter-acto ergo sum

Festival di arti interattive
25-28 giugno 2009
San Casciano in Val di Pesa, Firenze

Feedback è un festival di arti interattive promosso dall’associazione culturale Feedback nel paese di San Casciano in Val di Pesa, a pochi chilometri da Firenze.
Nei quattro giorni del festival si potranno incontrare nei vari luoghi del paese installazioni, musica, teatro, dibattiti e performance tutti incentrati sul tema dell’interattività e sulla partecipazione del pubblico.

I valori che Feedback porta avanti grazie alla diffusione dell’arte interattiva sono quelli della comunicazione e della cooperazione tra individui, l’istruzione, la consapevolezza, la salvaguardia dell’ambiente e di tutte le specie viventi, il rispetto e la valorizzazione delle diversità.

Feedback vuole coinvolgere lo spettatore in un evento culturale interdisciplinare che grazie ai nuovi linguaggi dell’espressione creativa e alla tipologia organizzativa basata sul coinvolgimento della popolazione, mira a raggiungere nuove fasce di utenza dei servizi culturali rendendosi accessibile e stimolante con particolare attenzione alle generazioni più giovani.
[email protected]

Narrative spaceCall for papers

An international interdisciplinary conference exploring the interpretive potential of architecture, exhibitions and design.

20-22 April 2010
Keynote Speaker: Peter Greenaway CBE

Call for papers
Narrative Space is a 3-day international interdisciplinary conference exploring the creation of narrative environments in museums, galleries, historic sites, buildings and landscapes. From the level of the site and the building down to the level of the exhibition and the object, how can we create environments which tell stories of people, of places and of collections? How can spaces, objects and a range of media be utilised to create spatial experiences which are engaging, meaningful and memorable?

Narrative Space draws together museum professionals, exhibition designers, architects and academics to explore practice at the cutting-edge of exhibition and experience making. In order to explore this vast area of research and practice it covers a range of themes including the ability of sites and buildings to hold or be overlaid with narratives; the history and theory of display; museums and exhibitions as spatial media; harnessing the spatial character, history and potential of buildings and sites; the nature and role of narrative and storytelling in the making of interpretive environments; the role of visitor-centred design in the production of museum space; and the emergence of a new range of interpretive approaches to museum and exhibition making which cut across architecture, film, design, digital media, interior and graphic design, literature and art.

Proposals are sought from museum practitioners, architects, designers, artists, filmmakers and others actively involved in the imaginative reshaping of museums, galleries and visitor experiences as well as academics researching in the areas of museum and gallery architecture, exhibition and display, both historical and contemporary.

Please send a short proposal of no more than 300 words to Suzanne MacLeod at [email protected] and Laura Hanks at [email protected]

Deadline: 29th July 2009
For additional information see the website

Working conference on usability in social, cultural and organizational contexts

2nd Call for Papers:
Working conference on usability in social, cultural and organizational contexts

Hosted by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),

A Scientific Society of Ministry of ICT, Government of India, Pune, India.
Venue: Pune University.
Wednesday and Thursday, 7-8th October 2009, Pune, India
Deadline for submissions: August 3rd 2009.

Theme and Focus:
The HUMAN WORK INTERACTION DESIGN 2009 working conference analyzes the concept of usability in social, cultural and organizational contexts. Analyzing usability in context is important for connecting empirical work analysis and interaction design. In industry, a wealth of usability evaluation methods is used to evaluate computer software user interfaces and other interactive products: Inspection methods, Workplace observation, Think-Aloud Usability Test, etc. These techniques often give – seemingly – similar results when applied in diverse social, cultural and organizational settings, but experience shows that we need a deep understanding of the cultural, social and organizational context to interpret the results, and to transform it into interaction design.

The working conference will present current research into and industrial experiences with usability as a way of connecting empirical work analysis and interaction design, with a special focus on contexts in India. Cultural usability is a comprehensive concept, which adheres to all kinds of contexts in which humans are involved (private family, work, public and private organizations, nature and climate, technological, etc.).

The purpose of the working conference is to enable practitioners and researchers to analyze the concept of usability and how it can be used to connect empirical work analyses and interaction designs in different contexts. After the conference, a limited number of selected papers will be published in an IFIP Springer book.

We expect the participants will be people from industry and academia with an interest on usability, work and design in different social, cultural and organizational contexts. The working conference will be conducted in a good social atmosphere that invites to openness and provides time to reflection and discussion about each of the accepted papers and cases.

See the website for additional information